A message from our Minister

Everybody I phone asks me how I’m doing, and I say ‘Fine’, and I am fine, but sometimes I’m not adapting to this ‘new normal’ as well as I’d like. I prefer order and routine, so trying to get some kind of rhythm going is difficult, even after 8 weeks! Today I should have been setting off for Edinburgh to attend the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, but even that has been cancelled. But faith isn’t cancelled, and worship isn’t cancelled. No matter how long it takes, this too shall pass, and one day we will all be together. Until then, I would like us all to join in the global wave of prayer calling all Christians to pray between Ascension Day on Thursday 21st May until Pentecost Sunday 31st May. For each day of that period there will be a bible verse, a reflection, a prayer, and a suggested ‘action’ point.

We are also being encouraged to participate in this by the current Moderator of the CofS, Rt. Rev Colin Sinclair. Actually our Kirk Session had already decided to do this way back in February. Goodness, February, how pre-lockdown seems so far away! Had things been ‘normal’ we had planned to give everyone a Thy Kingdom Come booklet, but since this is not possible Ann MacMillan will put the material for each day on Facebook. Consequently, the posts now put on by Sandra Crichton will not appear during that period, but will resume after it.

Sandra also keeps us provided with the Word for Today booklets. They come out quarterly and she has the latest batch. They are normally kept in the vestibule, but are now placed on the table outside Sandra’s door. If anyone is interested in getting a copy, please PM Sandra.

This is a special month for me. I was ordained on 16th May 1989, 31 years ago now. Eleven years in Stevenston High and 20years in Johnstone High. My, how time flies when you are enjoying yourself! I hope we can retain some of the ‘good old days’ when we meet again.

I keep praying for you.

God bless

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