Psalm 9:1 “I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works.” (NKJV)
Sunday Service
We would love you to visit our Church. Our Sunday Service starts around 11:00 where you will receive a warm welcome at the Church entrance. The atmosphere is friendly and informal so grab a seat anywhere you like.
We worship in the Presbyterian tradition where there is a strong emphasis on bible based preaching and as such the Bible takes central place in our worship.
We enjoy a blend of modern praise items and well-loved traditional hymns which is led by our praise band and organist.
If you are coming with your family, we run a crèche and seek to engage with older children though our Sunday School and Bible Class. Just meet in the church and during the service the kids will leave to meet up in the church hall.
After the service we invite you to stay for a chat and coffee in our Church Hall.
What to wear
Come as you are. There is no dress code so come in whatever makes you feel comfortable. Just relax and be yourself.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion takes place on the first Sunday, of February, June and October.
An informal Monthly Communion is celebrated after worship on the first Sundays of the intervening months, of January, March, April, May, September, November and December.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Our Sunday School and Bible Class will meet in the Church hall for the whole of the service.
Join the Church
When someone wishes to ‘join the church’, they attend a New Communicants class which is held after worship every Sunday for a period of 6 weeks. At this class, the subjects of belief and commitment are discussed, and the vows to be taken are examined. At the end of the 6-week period the enquirer then decides whether or not they are ready to commit themselves to the Lord.