Letter 29

I would like to thank those who have already responded to our special offering appeal, but I am aware that some of you may not even have received my latest letter yet. Your Elder will get round to it as soon as they can. It’s a tall order having to communicate with those in their district every week, and this situation is stretching everyone in different ways. Elders also have to consider their own circumstances and decide how best to keep in touch with you either by phone calls, hand delivering or posting my weekly letters. I have also discovered that those who relied on keeping up to date by visiting our church website jhpchurch.org and clicking on News, have not been able to get my letters lately. There was a problem but Greig has fixed it.


I now have another request from our Moderator, the Right Reverend Dr Martin Fair. He would like us to participate in a ‘Scented Lament’ project.

Basically, he would like everyone to send a ‘sprig of Rosemary’ about 15-20cms. Please put it in a plastic food bag and post around December 10th so that it is fresh. The purpose is to make a large piece of visual art as a collective response to the losses and sadness of this past year. It will feature on a short piece on BBC Scotland, by Tern Television, which will air on New Year’s Day. Please post to: Gardner & Gardner, Studio 118, The Briggait, 141 Bridgegate, Glasgow, G1 5HZ

For further information visit: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events/news/2020/Moderator-invites-contributions-to-end-of-year-art-installation


Some of you will be pleased to hear that a second series of ‘Reflections from the Quay’ will run from Advent to Easter. Our Moderator has been asked to preach at ‘The Service’ that will go out from St Giles’ Cathedral on Christmas Day. 


And some good news for us! We are starting a ‘Johnstone High Befriending Service’ It is a telephone service for anyone who needs a phone call or a just a chat. It is being coordinated by Sandra Crichton whom you can contact on 01505 327124. Sandra has this set up already, but she would be glad to have more volunteers to help provide this much needed service. There is also a Facebook page for this.


The people of Johnstone and surrounding areas are under a lot of pressure these days. We are deeply worried at the growing number of those who actually have Covid 19 putting us into Teir 4 restrictions. Pray for healing. Pray for an effective vaccine. Be kind and loving to everyone. And be as happy as you can be.


God bless


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