Hi folks, I have asked Greig to attach a sheet that is being passed around all the churches in Scotland that are not opening for private prayer. We understand the longing people have to be in their church but it’s just not sensible for us at the moment and the leaflet offers reasons as to why we should not open.
We also have information on our website about ‘Battle Lines’ which is the theme of joint evening services planned for the summer months by 2gether Renfrewshire. These services have been running during the summer for several years now, but this year they will be online. They begin on Wednesday 1st July at 7.30pm and will continue for 6 weeks until 5th August. Please join in if you can. www.facebook.com/2getherRenfrewshire
For those who prefer not to access Facebook, the services will also be uploaded to the Mossvale Church YouTube channel.
On the home front: in phone calls and emails, it seems our congregation is coping well during these hard times. Most of us are doing as well as can be expected, but I did sympathise with Nan Clunas who said she was ‘browned off’ and she didn’t mean with the sun! I hadn’t heard that phrase for a while, but I knew exactly how she felt. My own favourite word is ‘scunnered’.
Agnes Storie has had another serious fall which resulted in two huge black eyes. They are now turning all the colours of the rainbow. Actually it was quite a shock for her and she is now accepting (a wee bit) that she really can’t stay on her own. We hope she settles in Braemount. When she gets back to herself I’m sure she’ll give the residents and the staff a good laugh.
Keep well. Keep praying. Keep loving, and keep the faith.
God bless