Latest update from our Minister

I hope you are enjoying the daily prayer from ‘Thy Kingdom Come’. This has been on our Johnstone High Facebook page every day. It’s good to think of millions of Christians around the world all focusing on the same daily worship. I particularly like the call to pray for 5 people who do not, as yet, know the Lord Jesus Christ, and also the idea of being proactive as a Christian.

On the home front, I hope to do a short video next week and have it uploaded to our Website: It will be done by Greig Scott on his phone, so it won’t be a big production! We hope it will work, as I hope to do a ‘virtual communion’ on the following Sunday, 7th June. Please prepare at home by having some bread and wine (juice) ready so that you can join in the worship. The short service will be pre-recorded so you can participate whenever it is convenient for you. We’ll give this a try anyway, and you can let me know what you think.

Meanwhile, keep listening to all the services that have kept you going thus far. People have been telling me how much they have enjoyed the variety of what’s on offer via the internet, and praise God we are able to do that these days. I would also encourage you to visit the Church of Scotland website: where you can watch a recording of the installation of our new Moderator, The Right Reverend Dr Martin Fair. Martin also encourages us to join with the movement to Pray across the Nation on Sundays at 7pm. We can say our own prayers or use the prayer on the website. We are also asked to think about putting a candle in our windows at 7pm to signify Jesus as the Light of the World.

Sunday 31st May is Pentecost Sunday, and our new moderator is conducting a special service for Pentecost, incorporating contributions from all over Scotland. The service will be live and begin at 10am, according to the latest update. It will last for about 1 hour and can be accessed via the Church of Scotland website. Whenever I visit my school friends in Auchmithie, which is just outside Arbroath, I attend Martin’s church, and I have the highest regard for him and for all the work he does.

So, please remember all these dates, keep the faith, and keep safe.

God bless

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