Letter 17

We’ve been back in church now for 4 weeks and it’s been so good to be together, even with all the restrictions in place. The government is hoping to relax the rules in the next few weeks, although they are also telling us that the numbers of positive cases are rising. It’s a case of watch this space. Meanwhile, in doing our best to keep everyone safe the church is cleaned every week. Every pew downstairs is sprayed and wiped; the carpet is given a quick Hoover and the toilets are checked over. It’s not hard work, but it is too much for the two church members who are regularly carrying out these duties every week. Is there any way you could help? Currently the church is cleaned from 12noon on a Friday and the work is finished by 12.45pm. It would also be possible to do this work on Saturday mornings if that would suit people better, probably from 10am.  If you can help on either of those days please let me know. 01505 320006 or ann.mccool@ntlworld.com. This is a real plea for help, for if the church isn’t cleaned every week we will not be able to meet for worship.


Please also remember that you have to book every week, by Thursday at 6pm at the latest.  There is a lot of paperwork involved in planning the seating which varies from week to week. To book, contact Ann MacMillan by phone: 07847 312896 or by email jhpchurch@yahoo.co.uk .


A separate service is recorded every Friday morning and is available on the Church Website jhpchurch.org, on Facebook, or on YouTube.  The service on Sunday mornings is recorded on CD’s. If you’d like a copy of that please contact Willie Crawford 07767 303799.



God bless


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