I begin with an apology. I caused confusion with the details of the Zoom meeting for our Bible Study last Wednesday. In my last letter I said we begin at 7pm but I booked the meeting for 7.30pm, so nobody could access the meeting at that time. Basically, I messed it up. Sorry. So if you were trying to access the meeting and couldn’t, mea culpa.
These are the details for this week: Topic: Ann McCool’s Zoom Meeting Time: Oct 14, 2020 07:00 PM London
https://zoom.us/j/96464162478pwd=aENzdjR2eDhMcW5SMmVGQko0aGJxQT09 Meeting ID: 964 6416 2478 Passcode: 872678
Please think about joining us from 7-8pm. We are reading through the book of James and have only covered the first chapter. I think we enjoy blethering too much, or perhaps it’s because we are deliberately going at an easy pace. Why don’t you add your fizzog to the rogue’s gallery?
On another matter, your Elder will be getting in touch soon. They want to know whether or not you would be prepared to come to Church on Sunday mornings under the current climate of restrictions, or if you’d feel happier waiting until restrictions were lifted. The Kirk Session has planned a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 20th October at which we will discuss the various responses and then determine how to proceed. Meanwhile, we continue with private prayer from 11-12 on Fridays.
Now a wee note from Jeanette Crawford.
Life and Work are requesting that all subscribers pay by direct debit to them annually. The cover price is £36.00 for 12 issues, but if paying by direct debit an introductory discount of 2 months free is being offered at £30.00. I will provide the direct debit form to our current subscribers (and any new subscribers) before 31st October, 2020 for completion and Freepost return to Life & Work direct.
Jeanette Crawford, Life and Work Promoter.
(Sounds like a good deal!)
Keep well, keep praying, and keep the faith.
God bless