Letter 24

Hi folks, this is hard and getting harder. We have no option but to hang on in there, and keep doing the best we can, even although the statistics are unnerving. Greater numbers of people are testing positive for Covid-19 and deaths are rising. It’s strange to talk about a ‘positive’ test for Covid-19, when it’s a ‘negative’ thing to experience. Fortunately though, we’re not at the levels experienced in March, although the upward trend is still worrying.
We will get through this by keeping the Lord Jesus Christ close to our hearts. We will get through this with faith and prayer. We will get through this because we have to, and because we are strong in the Lord. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for those who have no faith and who can’t turn to the Lord for encouragement and comfort. And my heart goes out to all those who are having a hard time: those in lonely isolation; those who have lost their jobs and struggling for money, those whose relationships have become complicated and difficult. These strange days are affecting everyone, one way or another. We should count our blessings in whatever way we can, and share them wherever possible. 

Meanwhile, remember that the Church is open for private prayer on Fridays from 11am-12 noon. Come and go as you please, and be reassured that the church is cleaned every week by a willing band of volunteers. And on Wednesdays from 7-8pm we have an informal Bible Study on Zoom, at which you would be very welcome. The contact details are: https://zoom.us/j/9589167534?pwd=V1M2RXlJVzFlU29kMlFjQ1FlRGg4QT09 Meeting ID: 958 916 7534 Passcode: 0HYNu0

The Kirk Session is meeting on Tuesday 20th at 7pm and among other things, we will be considering whether or not to open the Church for worship on Sunday mornings. Your Elder will have contacted you to find out if you would be willing to attend, bearing in mind all the many restrictions that still have to be adhered to. I don’t hold out much hope though, as daily figures for Covid are rising at an alarming rate, and the most important thing is that we keep safe. 

Keep well, keep praying, and keep the faith.
God bless 


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