Letter 28

Hi everyone. I hope you are all well and coping in this time of extended restrictions. Let’s hope it proves to be effective.

If you are planning to support the Johnstone Business Consortium by giving a Christmas gift for a boy or girl from 4-12 years of age, please take them to the collection point at the bandstand in Houston Square on Saturday 5th December 11am-1pm. I did say you could bring your gift to the church between 12-1pm on Fridays 27th November or 4th December but that was only as a concession to those who really cannot manage on Saturday 5th December.

And now I have a request to make. You will be aware that we have not had our Christmas Fayre this year, nor have we had the income from our cafes, or other gifts that we sometimes receive throughout the year. This has left us with a shortfall of just over £10,000. Following discussion with the Kirk Session last week we decided to ask you for a one-off Christmas Offering for the Church. If you are willing and able to do this, please pay directly into our bank account, details of which are below. This can be done anonymously, or if you fill in your name, we will be able to claim gift aid on the amount. Another way you could give is by bringing whatever you can to the Church on Fridays from 12-1pm and I will arrange to have it banked. This is the first time in my ministry we have ever had to ask in this way, but in these extenuating circumstances I know you will respond appropriately. I have just given via internet banking, but you can go into the bank directly and do it there if you’d prefer.
Bank of Scotland, 56 High Street, Johnstone.

Name of account: Johnstone High Parish Church Congregational Board
Sort code: 80-16-53
Account number: 00232129
Please use your name as a reference.

Fortunately, we can still open on Fridays for Private Prayer and for our Foodbank. I can also record a service in the Church on Fridays which Greig uploads to the church website: jhpchurch.org We are continuing with Bible Study on Wednesdays and the Prayer Group on Thursdays, both via Zoom. My how church is changing! But as they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

May the Lord give you amazing strength for every minute of every day, and pour many blessings over you all.

God bless

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