Hi folks! It’s time for a short
This Sunday 31st
January we will have our special Day of Prayer from 8am-8pm. We will be praying
for whatever is on our hearts at this time, aware that life today is hard for
everyone. Even if you haven’t booked a slot, you can still contribute by adding
your own prayers to ours.
On the recording of next
Sunday’s service, 7th February, we’ll be celebrating the Sacrament
of Holy Communion. Please provide some bread and wine for yourself. We could
say, ‘it’s not the same’ or we could say, ‘it’s just different’. Either way, our
focus will be to remember the Lord’s sacrifice, and celebrate his love for us,
until the time comes when we can share in the sacrament together.
And here’s a surprising
event to look forward to. On Wednesday 17th February, which is the
first day of Lent, I’m going to set up a Zoom meeting so that we can have a
Coffee Morning. Yes! A Zoom Coffee Morning from 10-11am! Supply your own coffee
and cakes, if you’re not giving them up for Lent that is. If you have access to the internet and can
download Zoom you can participate. The package the church has for Zoom can take
up to 100 people so don’t be shy. Please send me your name and email address,
and I’ll send you the link on Tuesday 16th February ann.mccool@ntlworld.com This will
be fun. It’ll be great to see everyone and to catch up. Hope you can make it!
Keep safe, keep praying and
keep the faith.
God bless