Hi folks, Our Christmas tree is now up outside the church. It looks lovely, at least it did when it was first put up. Next day it was blown over, but undeterred, we put it up again. Still too dodgy, and the wind was gathering, so we put it at the side of the steps instead of on top of them. We all went home happy. Next thing, it’s blown over again. Being a determined bunch it’s now back in position. Unfortunately, we have no confidence it will stay that way. The problem is that the base is too light and too small. Does anybody out there have a large planter we could use as a base?
And could I just remind you of the request from our Moderator, the Right Reverend Dr Martin Fair? He would like us to participate in a ‘Scented Lament’ project. Have you planned for that yet? Further details in last week’s letter or visit: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/news-and-events/news/2020/Moderator-invites-contributions-to-end-of-year-art-installation
Our weekly Prayer Meetings will continue until Friday 18th December and resume on Friday 8th January. Our in-house Foodbank will not be available on Fridays 25th December or Friday 1st January.
I hope you’ve all managed to be tested for Covid 19 at the Townhall in Johnstone. I was given a negative result, and I hope we all get good news like that.
Although we are still under restricted conditions, we will continue to have recorded Sunday services available over the festive period, including a Christingle on Christmas Eve too.
Keep strong in the faith and keep well.
God bless