Letter 6

Hello friends,

March!  Spring is just around the corner. The days are longer, warmer, and brighter. At least that’s today’s weather. Somebody reminded me of the old adage, ‘March comes in like a lamb, but goes out like a lion’. Notwithstanding our Scottish climate, we still have hope. We may not be able to see light at the end of the tunnel just yet, but perhaps we can see the tunnel.


Hope springs eternal in the human breast!  Only 3 weeks till the change of the clock, but just before that, on Wednesday 24th March we are planning our Coffee Afternoon from 3-4pm. Let me know if you fancy joining us. Please phone or send an email ann.mccool@ntlworld.com. I will email the link to everyone on Monday 22nd March.  And also remember that we still have our weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays from 7-8pm, and our Prayer Meeting on Thursdays from 2-3pm. Let me know if you wish to join either of these and I’ll send you the link.


You will be pleased to know that the full amount of money due to Edinburgh for last year was paid in December. Sorry for not telling you sooner, I have only just remembered because someone asked me about it.


I’m keeping this letter short as I want you to read part of a letter below, sent by our Church of Scotland Moderator, the Right Rev Dr Martin Fair


Meanwhile, keep safe, keep praying, and keep the faith.


God bless,  Ann


Dear friends,


Though the First Minister has indicated that there is the possibility of limited church openings for Easter, we can be sure that serious restrictions will remain in place. Some of us will be disappointed that Easter this year will not be markedly different to how it was last year.  I for one can hardly think about Easter without the singing of Thine be the Glory in a packed church.


But our devotional patterns can certainly continue and to that end I am going to offer a series of daily reflections running from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.  These will be available through the Church of Scotland social media channels and will be released each morning at 8am.  They will also be available to download and place on your own digital platforms.  Each episode will include readings, prayers, reflections and music; with ministers, deacons, elders and others from across the Church taking part.


Finally, as we continue through Lent, may you have a growing sense of the nearness of the Lord and know that with Him, we’ll find ourselves soon enough at Calvary and in turn at the empty tomb.


With every blessing,


Rt Revd Dr W Martin Fair

Moderator General Assembly of the Church of Scotland


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