Hi folks, the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, The Right Reverend Doctor Martin Fair has created a digital resource for us that will run from Palm Sunday to Easter Day – a journey through Holy Week. It will air across the Church of Scotland’s various channels at 8am each morning or can be viewed later.
Each episode features a short reflection presented by The Moderator, together with the appropriate daily reading from John’s Gospel, a prayer and a piece of contemplative music. Colleagues from across the Church have contributed these various elements.
To view the episodes visit https://stream1.churchofscotland.org.uk/worship/holy-week-2021 Those without internet access can call 03333 409 200 and listen to each day’s reflection from 8am. Local call charges apply.
In offering these services the Moderator is trying to alleviate the work of parish ministers. Too late for me; I’ve already organised our services! (Unlike me, I know, but there ye go.) Following our service on Palm Sunday, I’ve prepared short services for Monday to Friday of Holy Week, which Greig will post on our Website daily. Some of you may love the idea of having two services available every day; others may find it a bit much. I simply want to make you aware of all that’s on offer at this very important time in the church calendar.
The service on Friday night will include communion. Please be ready with your own bread and wine.
I’m pleased to say we have another Coffee Afternoon planned for Wednesday 21st April from 2-3pm. I will email everyone already on the mailing list with the Zoom Link on Monday 19th April. If any others wish to join with us, please let me know.
Finally, I’m sure you will join me in sending hearty ‘Congratulations!’ to Mr and Mrs John Berry who celebrate their Diamond Wedding on Monday 29th March. Well done, you two! It will be a day to remember.
Meanwhile, keep safe, keep praying, and keep the faith.
God bless,