Letter from the Session Clerk


Friends, there are two parts to this letter. The first is an update on Covid restrictions and the second a plea for help.




The Kirk Session met last week to discuss the implications for our church now that we are beyond level 0. Although there has been some relaxation of the rules we decided not to make many changes to our procedures for the moment. Singing is now allowed but we still have to wear masks while in church. Representatives of the Church of Scotland are in negotiation with the government over that at the moment.  Social distancing is no longer legally required but we will continue with it for the next few weeks to make sure everyone is comfortable to come to church. We still have to record who is attending for track and trace purposes so we decided to continue to ask you to book attendance as before to avoid queues building up as contact details are recorded.


Contact Ann MacMillan by phone: 07847312896 or by email jhpchurch@yahoo.co.uk by Thursday each week. You will, of course, be welcome even if you have not booked but we will have to record your details on the way in. Hand and hard surface sanitising are still required. There will be a further update from the government at the end of the month. We hope there will be further lifting of restrictions after that.



We would like to open our Halls to organisations again. The Girls’ Brigade are planning to start up at the beginning of September. Before that can happen they. and the church, have to prepare risk assessments and procedures to reduce the risk of Covid transmission. We will also need to start cleaning the Hall once it reopens. This would be a once weekly normal clean of toilets, kitchen and floors etc. The organisations will be sanitising hard surfaces atc as part of their Hall Let. We need some volunteers to join a Hall cleaning rota. If you feel able to do this please let me know on jameswallace@fastmail.fm or 01505 703266


you in anticipation.


God bless

(Session Clerk)



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